19. & 20.11.2025 in Hamburg
Contact: info@salessummit.de or +49 (40) 537 991 133

Tim Tetens

Tim Tetens

Tim Tetens


Since 3 years, Tim has been working with his team to enhance the customer experience for direct and indirect customers. He is fully convinced, that the best combination of seamless, digital technologies AND a very authentic service mindset behind the digital frontend are the most important parts to create magic after-sales moments for the fritz-kola customers.

Represented in the following tracks at the next Sales Summit:

Represented in the following tracks at the Sales Summit:

  • 2023 MAIN STAGE: AI and Voice AI - Impact on the Customer Service of Tomorrow

  • 2023 MASTERCLASSES: Kola-boration? How fritz-kola digitizes the sales team

Tim Tetens and many more register for the Sales Summit now!