19. & 20.11.2025 in Hamburg
Contact: info@salessummit.de or +49 (40) 537 991 133

Thilo Kerner

Thilo Kerner

Thilo Kerner


Thilo Kerner is Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at Sybit and in this capacity is responsible for the entire market development of the digital agency. With over twenty years of experience in the SAP CX business, Thilo Kerner knows the digital challenges of companies in great detail - and their solutions. His credo as Head of Marketing and Sales: CX must be thought through end to end and the focus must turn to added value for customers throughout the entire sales lifecycle.

Represented in the following tracks at the Sales Summit:

  • 2023 MASTERCLASSES: Don't just talk, do it: How a customer experience strategy can also improve your sales.

Thilo Kerner and many more register for the Sales Summit now!