Andreas Kambach
Area9 Lyceum
Andreas Kambach has more than 25 years of experience in training with a focus on sales and concept development. He is the managing director of a renowned training institute. In the past, he also served as a board member of the Baltic Chamber of Foreign Trade. Most recently, he contributed his coaching expertise as the author of the book „Dynamisch Verhandeln – Entscheiden, was andere entscheiden (engl.: Dynamic Negotiation – Deciding what others decide)” His long-standing passion for digitalization and the future of learning made Andreas combine traditional and digital learning approaches at an early stage. He brought ideas for this with him from his visits to the annual ATD in the USA. He is considered a pioneer for future—oriented learning in the education and training scene. At Area9 he is Managing Director of Area9 Lyceum GmbH based in Leipzig and represents the company in the German—speaking market.