19. & 20.11.2025 in Hamburg
Contact: info@salessummit.de or +49 (40) 537 991 133

Michael Kimberger

Michael Kimberger

Michael Kimberger

Deutsche Telekom

The city of the future is Michael Kimberger's passion. Since 2019, he has been responsible for the "urban mobility" area of Deutsche Telekom's Smart City unit, which also includes complete sales management. Since 2021, he has also been in charge of the "smart lighting" unit, and most recently he has also been in charge of the overarching city app "City-Key". He has held various positions at Deutsche Telekom for over eleven years, including Head of the T-Systems Board of Management and speechwriter for the Group Board of Management. Michael Kimberger is married with three young children and lives with his family near Bonn.

Represented in the following tracks at the Sales Summit:

  • 2022 MAIN STAGE: Digitalization in Sales

Michael Kimberger and many more register for the Sales Summit now!