Annegret Willems
Annegret is Head of Sales Development at the German Press-Association.
Her motto is "Winning is in the mind - so is losing!"
For her, successful sales is a profession and not a coincidence.
She develops and implements the necessary strategies, processes and competences in the national and international sales team as well as in customer service and marketing. Her experience as a manager in b2b sales relates to the organisational and structural development of successful sales teams and to strengthening the sales and communication skills of top sales employees.
As a member of the Expert Hub Science at Bundesverband der Vertriebsmanager e.V. she bridges the gap between research and practice: Many companies are undergoing challenging transformation processes to remain competitive. Sales teams play a special role in the development of new business models and sales approaches due to their proximity to customers and markets. Scientific facts help sales teams to better master this difficult task.